You’ve been exercising for a few weeks, and have seen great results, but lately the workouts have lost their pizzazz. You are not losing as much weight as you did when you first started, you have lost your motivation, and really, you are just plain bored. Continue reading
Healthy eating and exercising regularly are the two best things you can do to help you live a long and healthy life. Most of us concerned with our health closely watch what we eat but we don’t always recognize the less obvious signs that we are over training. Continue reading
Whether you want to lose a few or a hundred pounds, it’s crucial that you understand that the benefits of exercise go way beyond weight loss and cosmetic enhancement. Some benefits of exercise pertain to your health in particular. Continue reading
If your core is weak, your balance is poor. This leads to an unstable body, increasing the possibility that you could suffer a fall. A week core also makes you feel physically weak. You can support more physical effort when your core is strong. Continue reading
Though they’re not often thought of as the most common workout item, exercise or yoga balls can be used in many ways to help improve your body. They can be found in most fitness oriented stores as well as just about anywhere online, so you should be able to get one fairly easily. Continue reading