What is Bodyweight Training?

Is bodyweight training really as simple as it sounds? Actually, yes.

Bodyweight training is an easy way to build strength and muscle without going to the gym or lifting heavy barbells and dumbbells.

Your own body weight provides the resistance which builds muscles and makes you stronger. And chances are, you have enjoyed the benefits of some common bodyweight exercises in the past.

Don’t believe me?

Have you ever done a push-up or pull-up? If so, you are already familiar with bodyweight training. Those simple movements allow gravity and the physical weight of your body to create resistance which makes your muscles bigger and stronger.

Combined with smart nutrition, a restful sleep each night and proper hydration, body weight training is all you need to sculpt the body of your dreams.

The next time you are shopping at your favorite bookstore, do this. Head over to the magazine section and check out the top fitness mags. A secret in the fitness industry is that those sculpted cover guys and gals focus mostly on bodyweight exercises to build their six pack abs, sculpted, toned muscles and gorgeous bodies.

They don’t spend hours in the gym lifting massive weights. They simply enjoy short bodyweight training sessions 3 to 5 times a week to get those “to die for” bodies.

And you can do the same. Read on…

Can I Really Build Muscle and Get Fit Using Just the Weight of My Body?

So, you might be wondering if simple bodyweight exercises can really get you fit and healthy. Can using just resistance and the weight of your body build muscle, burn fat and sculpt your “dream body”?

Absolutely! Here’s how the process works.

When you stress your muscles by using your body weight resistance against them, they experience tears and rips. When you tear down muscle, it needs to be repaired. Your body automatically goes to work making those muscles stronger and larger than they were before, in anticipation of future stress.

That is all there is to building muscles and strength. As it turns out, strength training, which you are doing when you perform bodyweight exercises, is more effective at burning fat and cranking up your metabolism than cardio exercises.

Studies have shown that cardio fitness routines (running, jogging, aerobics exercises, etc.) burn fat and calories while you are performing them. But almost immediately upon stopping, your fat and calorie burn diminishes rapidly.

Building muscle is different.

When you stress and strain your muscles by lifting traditional weights or performing bodyweight exercises, the repair process takes a lot of time. This means that for up to 72 hours after your bodyweight training session is over, you are still burning fat and calories!

All you have to do is use the power of gravity and the resistance of your own body weight and you can build as much strength and fat burning muscle as you desire.