Fitness Training for Women

Does Fitness Mostly Come Down to Mental Toughness?You have probably achieved some of the fitness goals you have set during your life. But you have probably failed to reach certain levels of physical fitness as well, haven’t you? You are the same person, so why did you succeed in one physical endeavor and fail in another? Was it because you were not “mentally tough” when you needed to be? Was your mindset to blame? And if it was, how can you change that?

Dr. Jim Loehr is a globally recognized performance psychologist. He wrote a wonderful book titled Mental Toughness Training for Sports: Achieving Athletic Excellence. In it he discusses and defines mental toughness, revealing that it is made up of the following 7 components:

  • self-confidence
  • attention control
  • minimizing negative energy
  • increasing positive energy
  • maintaining motivation levels
  • attitude control
  • visual and imagery control

He uses the word energy twice and the word control 3 times in defining the 7 dimensions of mental toughness in physical endeavors. And while the actual meaning of mental toughness may vary from one expert to the next, controlling your energy has a lot to do with your ability to accomplish any physical fitness goals. Continue reading


Fitbit built a reputation as a provider of quality wrist fitness monitors, but with the Fitbit Surge Fitness Superwatch they have made the jump to full on smartwatch. Compatible with over 120 smartphones via Bluetooth technology, the Surge is not just any smartwatch, but a fitness super watch.

Boasting features such as constant heart rate monitoring, built in GPS, automatic sleep detection and a silent alarm, the Fitbit Surge serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it works as a functional smartwatch that can keep you connected with your phone, notify you of calls and texts and even control your music. Continue reading


The folks over at Standee are on a mission to change the way we live our day to day lives. According to them, we are in the middle of an epidemic that is only getting worse. And what is that epidemic? We’re all sitting down too much.

Many workers spend the majority of their day sitting at a desk or table, often using equipment that has not been ergonomically designed to suit needs. Extended periods of sitting down are proven to affect circulation, joints and posture. The Standee designers have come up with a simple solution – standing up.

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Firmly aimed at people who are looking to fit an exercise schedule in to their everyday routines, desk exercise bikes are quickly becoming one of the most popular exercise machines on the market.

The concept is simple. The desk exercise bike sits underneath your desk at your feet, and you pedal away at your chosen speed and resistance level. While there are many of these bikes on the market, the DeskCycle by 3D Innovations remains one of the most popular, and with good reason. Continue reading


It comes as no surprise to anyone to hear that almost 90% of Americans suffer from back pain. The problem has become so common that it is accepted as a part of life. And yet it’s not a problem for everyone. Would it surprise you to know that there places in the world where the reported percentage of back pain sufferers is only 5%?

It certainly surprised Esther Gokhale, and lead to a long search and discovery mission to find out why is it that some nations are so overwhelmingly prone to chronic back pain issues. This searching journey took Esther to some of the most rural locations in Brail, Portugal and Burkina Faso, and Esther found her answers. Continue reading