When it comes to indoor exercise machines, there are a variety of choices out there. Treadmills and rowing machines are both firm favorites for those who want to get fit at home, and both are good machines for cardiovascular exercise; however, they do have distinguishing features.
If you have to choose either one of these machines, your choice should come down to your personal preferences and needs. Here are some things you can consider:
Purpose: If you are looking for something that focuses on cardio and not on strength training, then a treadmill would be your best bet. For a machine that would give you both types of workout (strength and cardio), then a rowing machine would be the perfect buy.
Calories burned: On average, you can burn around 600 calories per hour during a moderate intensity session on a rower. You can burn this amount on a treadmill, but it would require an intense session. Of course, the amount of calories burned varies according to how you perform your exercise, but overall a rowing machine burns more calories due to the power workout it provides.
Noise: If you are looking for a quiet option, then a treadmill is probably better since it usually makes less noise than rowing machines. If you live in an apartment or condominium, you may want to opt for a quieter exercise machine, even though rowing machines are smaller in size.
Size: If noise isn’t an issue, then rowing machines make a better choice for homes than treadmills due to their smaller size.
Beginner-friendliness: If you are just starting to exercise, whether at home or at the gym, then the treadmill is a better option, as it is simple and less strenuous. A rowing machine is tougher on the body, and it’s better to ease into that machine once you’re more fit.
Risk of injury: Falling off a treadmill or spraining your ankle while running is certainly possible, and a rowing machine eliminates this risk. However, you have to ensure you keep good posture on a rowing machine, or you may strain your back.
Overall, both the rowing machine and a treadmill have their pros and cons, and hopefully the list above has helped you decide which one is better for your needs. Just be sure to stick to your exercise regime no matter what you choose, and you’ll see results.