This laminated 18″ x 27″ poster is really handy to have especially when you are just starting out using kettlebells and learning how to remember how to do the exercises. Most all of the customer reviews are very positive – “Very happy with my purchase.” and “Exactly what I was looking for.”
One customer gives a good description on the poster: “Both sides are the same exercises, you can choose a landscape or a portrait orientation. There are column headings upper body, core, lower body, back, etc. so you can design your own workout and choose which muscle groups to work out together or on different days. You can use a grease pencil to make notes or a white board marker (reps, order, etc.).

  • Double Sided Poster – Front Vertical – Back Horizontal (same exercises on both sides)
  • High-quality 3 mil lamination for added durability
  • Tear Resistant
  • 18″ x 27″
