Fitness Training for Women


The problem with so many exercise programs is how you feel during and after practicing them. A lot of exercises are high impact. That can mean aches and pains in your back, shoulders, arms, legs and joints. When you relate pain to exercise, you avoid it.

High impact exercises can also lead to physical injuries, meaning you end up missing important workout sessions. That’s why the Aqua Fitness Exercise Set was developed – to alleviate the stress and pressure your body undergoes when working out. Let’s hop in the pool and try it out ourselves. Continue reading


Good posture allows you to breathe properly. The extra oxygen which makes it to your brain can actually increase your ability to think and reason properly. You also look better to others and yourself when you practice good posture. You limit your risk of back aches and pain, health concerns due to poor blood circulation and even slipped discs. Let’s find out more about why good posture is so important, and how you can start developing a healthy posture today.

Posture, Get It Straight! Look Ten Years Younger, Ten Pounds Thinner and Feel Better Than Ever by Janice Novak Features and Specs

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Exercising once you hit your 50s is important for many reasons. It can minimize the effect of inflammation, improve your heart health drastically, makes you look and feel better, and lowers your risk of contracting heart disease,cancer and other debilitating conditions. The problem is, your body is probably not as physically capable as it once was.

That’s why exercises like yoga are perfect for the “over 50” crowd. Yoga minimizes impact, physical stress and strain, and delivers mental as well as physical benefits. Let’s put the Yoga Over 50 DVD exercise program through its paces and see just what you can expect. Continue reading


For balance and mobility while you hike, trekking poles can’t be beat. They are also very versatile for hikers and campers, perfect for a number of “non walking” uses in the great outdoors. PaceMaker Stix has designed its Flip Lock “Expedition” Trekking Poles with some nice features that make them a handy hiking addition, so let’s hit the trail and give this hiking companion a thorough review.

Pace Maker Flip Lock “Expedition” Trekking Poles Features and Specs
  • Adjustable telescoping feature
  • “Sure grip” rubber feet
  • Rugged tungsten tips
  • Includes 1 year warranty
  • Made of lightweight, durable, aircraft grade aluminum

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Does Fitness Mostly Come Down to Mental Toughness?You have probably achieved some of the fitness goals you have set during your life. But you have probably failed to reach certain levels of physical fitness as well, haven’t you? You are the same person, so why did you succeed in one physical endeavor and fail in another? Was it because you were not “mentally tough” when you needed to be? Was your mindset to blame? And if it was, how can you change that?

Dr. Jim Loehr is a globally recognized performance psychologist. He wrote a wonderful book titled Mental Toughness Training for Sports: Achieving Athletic Excellence. In it he discusses and defines mental toughness, revealing that it is made up of the following 7 components:

  • self-confidence
  • attention control
  • minimizing negative energy
  • increasing positive energy
  • maintaining motivation levels
  • attitude control
  • visual and imagery control

He uses the word energy twice and the word control 3 times in defining the 7 dimensions of mental toughness in physical endeavors. And while the actual meaning of mental toughness may vary from one expert to the next, controlling your energy has a lot to do with your ability to accomplish any physical fitness goals. Continue reading


Fitbit built a reputation as a provider of quality wrist fitness monitors, but with the Fitbit Surge Fitness Superwatch they have made the jump to full on smartwatch. Compatible with over 120 smartphones via Bluetooth technology, the Surge is not just any smartwatch, but a fitness super watch.

Boasting features such as constant heart rate monitoring, built in GPS, automatic sleep detection and a silent alarm, the Fitbit Surge serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it works as a functional smartwatch that can keep you connected with your phone, notify you of calls and texts and even control your music. Continue reading

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Flowers & Feathers 12 Week Fitness & Meal Planners