If you are still paying a gym membership, but don’t like going there, not to mention the drama encountered once there, have you considered setting up your own home gym? It isn’t that expensive nor does it need to take up a lot of room.

As a matter-of-fact, a few months of money that you would have spent on gym membership should buy everything you need. With these 7 pieces of equipment, you can literally create dozens of different routines that work the upper and lower body, along with the core:

Exercise Mat

While not really “required”, it does make exercising on the floor more comfortable when doing crunches, planks, sit-ups and yoga.

Pull-up Bar

Great for building up biceps and the back, look for one that attaches in a doorway. Make sure it is rated for at least your weight and can be lengthened or shortened to fit the width of your doorway.

Resistance Bands

Whether at home or traveling, resistance bands are a great addition to any home gym. If on the road, just through them in your suitcase and you can do a wide variety of exercises while away from home. Be sure to buy a few different sizes so you have something to “grow” into as you get stronger.


An all-time favorite. You can do so much with a set of dumbbells. Get three to five pair in a range of weights that can take you from now to where you want to be in the future. If you are tight on room, buy the dumbbell bar that also has a set of removable weights with it, so you can add and remove weight as necessary.

Adjustable Weight Bench

When used with dumbbells or a barbell and free weights, you can take your weightlifting to a new level by adding in exercises like incline and decline bench presses and flyes.

Free Weights and Barbell

Buy a good bar, clamps and a set of weights that you can use now. You can always add more weights later on. Usually a good starter set of weight plates include a pair of 2.5#, 5#, 10# and 25#. Most bars allow you to stack weights, however once you have all the weight on the bar that you have, buy heavier weights so you can begin stacking them over again.

Jump Rope

This is another traveling favorite. Light and not taking up much room, you can do great cardio training within the confines of your hotel room. When coupled with resistance bands, you have the equipment with you for both cardio and strength training.

Step-Up Box

Not taking up much space, this piece of equipment is light but sturdy and you can get a great cardio workout when coupled to either music or a step-up training video.

If arranged efficiently, all of this equipment when set-up would fit into the corner of a bedroom. With these pieces of equipment, you can get in a good workout without leaving the comfort of your home, save money by not driving to and from the gym and avoid paying a gym membership – and not have to put up with the drama once there.