As more and more people look to save money and time by working out in the comfort of their own home, there is a definite market for affordable home use elliptical trainers.
Available for roughly $150, the Sunny Magnetic Elliptical Trainer is aiming to be the elliptical trainer of choice for those looking to invest in a home workout exercise machine without breaking the bank.
There are plenty of elliptical trainers at this price point, but many of them fail to provide enough comfort and reliability to be considered viable alternatives to the trainers that are several hundred dollars more expensive.
When it comes to exercise machines, cheap simply isn’t enough; there has to be some substance. Continue reading
The Schwinn bicycle company was founded by a German mechanical engineer in 1895. It quickly became the preeminent maker of American bicycles, continuing its reign as the leader in that field through nearly the entire 20th century. Now owned by Dorel Industries, a Canadian company based in Montréal, Québec, the respected Schwinn name continues to appear on quality fitness products.
The Schwinn 470 Elliptical trainer offers multiple fitness tracking metrics, allowing you to access and monitor that information in real-time, and also from your smartphone, tablet or PC. Let’s see what you can expect. Continue reading