More powerful than any machine, Kettlebell Sculpted Body challenges you to conquer any plateau with 50 minutes of high velocity circuit training combined with your own body’s resistance. Join Bob as he shares his innovative techniques to build lean muscle and burn fat with precision targeted strength training.

Turn up your heart rate and recruit virtually every muscle group with this ultimate sculpting and toning total body workout. Improving your body means taking your workout to the next level.

This latest DVD from Bob’s Inside Out Method will push you harder, test your endurance and motivate you to success. Make the change today!

Time to transform! Get ready for a non-stop, maximum fat burning routine to sculpt every muscle in your body – featuring a workout designed to increase strength, accelerate cardio, and the power of kettlebell training.

This latest edition of the Inside Out Method DVD Series will transform your body for ultimate results. Kettlebell Sculpted Body introduces total body resistance control to Bob’s high-intensity circuits. Define your body, boost and challenge all limitations with this commanding, calorie-destroying 50 minute workout.
