Apex Roman/Hyper Extension Bench allows you to get off the floor to stretch and strengthen your core abdominal and back muscles for improved fitness. This sturdy chair is well constructed and easy to set up with simple instructions. Designed to last for years of use, the Apex bench provides a more comfortable way to work your core muscle groups. With padded handles and adjustable two-foam leg holders, it is possible to perform challenging exercises without a trainer or spotter. Your legs are held in place by the supports, and you are able to hyperextend your abdominals, accessing more muscle groups.
Boasting a super-sturdy heavy-gauge steel-tubing frame, the sleek bench will tuck into the corner of a room when not in use, and high-density deluxe boxed upholstery will hold up over time. Whether you would like to build and maintain six-pack abs or strengthen your core to ease back pain and improve your posture, the Apex Roman/Hyper Extension Bench is a safe and solid way to target your goals.


Flowers & Feathers 12 Week Fitness & Meal Planners